Tag Archives: SaatchiArt

Random Design nº 52

I could have done it differently – like a random firework to celebrate the last image of this year-long project! Instead, I was curious to see what a month to month evolution would look like. So here we have it, 12 out of the 52 works I did this year on stochastic art. Some are inspired by mathematics, other by biology physics, statistics or coding. All arranged randomly after an idea John Cage used in 1995 for a museum exhibit called Rolywholover. The music? I leave it to your discretion!

Thanks to all who inspired and guided my work, thanks to you for supporting my work again this year. Next? A book on this project, a collection of all the images on SaatchiArt if you like paper or canvas copies of the work. Another year-long project? No theme yet – Feel free to help me if you have a suggestion.

Happy New Year all!